How Fast Does Hearing Loss Progress?
December 17, 2021Ways to Keep Your Hearing Loss From Getting Worse
February 16, 2022Deafness has the potency to change our relationship with our loved ones with hearing impairment. Hearing loss could range from partial hearing impairment to complete hearing loss yet, there are many ways to help deaf persons. Hearing loss among our loved ones may cause miscommunication resulting in frustrations and stress. However, there are things you can do to help loved ones with hearing loss. In this blog, we present the top five things you can easily do to help persons with hearing loss.
Reduce the background noise
Background noise usually competes with the sound of your voice. The background noise may be coming from an audio device in the house or, still, due to the environment surrounding your home. While trying to speak to a person who has a hearing loss more so the temporary hearing loss, it’s advisable for you to relocate if your environment is experiencing noise pollution.
In the case of an audio device, you should switch it off or reduce its volume while trying to communicate with your friend.
Think of the ways you communicate non-verbally
It`s very much possible to express the sentiments of the message you want to relay with non-verbal elements of conversation like posture, gestures, or facial expressions. At times these elements relay emotions more efficiently than actual words.
You should consider the various ways your body and face can help create a connection to a story. To achieve this, you should be able to put your mind and heart to action while with your loved one with a hearing loss.
Search for hearing support groups in your community or online
You might find out that a friend or your loved one is struggling with depression or feelings of social separation due to the hearing loss problem. It`s not a surprise and, therefore within, your community or in the online platforms, you will find a group that can give real-life solutions and ways in which your loved one can learn to live with the hearing loss problem.
You might discover that your friend is shutting themselves from the world more often than usual. You should let them know they are not alone and, can freely share what they are going through.
Be an advocate
Another way to show support to your loved one is to advocate. For instance, you might attend a public gathering or a meeting together with your friend experiencing hearing loss. You can email the organizers or make them aware of your friend`s situation so that they can adjust their mode of communication.
You can also sit close to the person and let them rely on you for some information missing in the middle of a speech.
Gift them with hearing aids
Hearing aids are devices that will assist the deaf to hear more clearly thus understand what is being communicated to them with ease. Thanks to technology, there are numerous hearing devices you can get your loved one with a hearing impairment easily.
Finally, we should try to learn how to accept and live with our loved ones with hearing loss. It is our duty to make them feel comfortable and appreciated like other humans.